CONAMA Resolution 12/89 – Provisions related to the ban of activities that impact the ecosystems of Areas of Relevant Ecological Interest

CONAMA RESOLUTION 12, Sept. 14, 1989
Published in the Official Gazette on December 18, 1989, Section 1, page 23405
· Revokes CONAMA Resolution 2/88
Establishes provisions related to the ban of activities that impact the ecosystems of Areas of Relevant Ecological Interest.

THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL – CONAMA, in accordance with the power bestowed upon the Council by Item IX of article 17 of its Internal Regulations, and

Considering the provisions of articles 215, 216 and 225 of the Federal Constitution as well as art. 9, line VI of Law 7.804, issued on July 18, 1989, article 7 of Decree 88.351, issued on June 1, 1989 and art. 7 of Decree 89.336, issued on January 31, 1984;

Considering that CONAMA Resolution 2 issued on March 16, 1988 needs to be improved and adapted to the new Federal Constitution, decides:

Art. 1 It is forbidden to undertake any activity that can, in Areas of Relevant Ecological Interest, present risks to :

I – the preservation of the ecosystems;
II – the particular protection of rare local biota species;
III – the harmony of the local landscape.

Art. 2 It is allowed to, among other non-predatory activities, undertake balanced pastoral activities and the limited harvesting of natural products under the control and supervision of environmental inspection organs.

Art. 3 Federal, State and Municipal Public Powers that create Areas of Relevant Ecological Interest will appoint the supervising and inspection organs which can set bannings and restrictions aimed at safeguarding the content of article 1.

Single paragraph. The inspection of Areas of Relevant Ecological Interest can be fully or partly delegated through an agreement with another public organ and can become a joint venture, through an agreement, with a non-profit environmental preservation Civil Foundation or Association.

Art. 4 CONAMA Resolution 2 issued on June 13, 1988 is hereby revoked.

Art. 5 This Resolution shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

JOÃO ALVES FILHO – Council President

This text does not substitute the text published in the Official Gazette on Dec. 18, 1989.