CONAMA Resolution 1/90

CONAMA RESOLUTION 1, March 8, 1990
Published in Official Gazette 63 on April 2, 1990, Section 1, page 6408
Establishes criteria and standards for the emission of noise from any industrial, commercial, social or leisure activity, including political propaganda .

The NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL – CONAMA, in the use of the power bestowed upon the Council by Item I, § 2 of art. 8 of its Internal Regulations, art. 10 of Law 7.804 from July 15, 1989 and

Considering that problems related to excessive noise levels are part of Environmental Pollution Control;

Considering that the deterioration of life quality, caused by pollution, is under constant threat in large urban centers;

Considering that criteria and standards should be broad in order to allow for their application within the entire National Territory, decides:

I – The emission of noise, related to any industrial, commercial, social or recreational activity, including political propaganda, must, in the interests of public health and peace follow standards, criteria and directives established by this Resolution.
II – For the purposes of the previous item, sounds with levels above those considered acceptable according to NBR 10151 – Assessment of Noise in Inhabited Areas aimed at community wellbeing, by the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT), are considered as a threat to public health and peace.
III – The execution of building construction projects or building reforms for heterogeneous activities, the sound level produced by one of them may not surpass the levels established by NBR 10152 – Comfortable acoustic Noise Levels issued by the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT).
IV – The emission of noises produced by motor vehicles and produced within work location environments must comply with the standards issued, respectively, by the National Traffic Council (CONTRAN) and by the competent Labor Ministry organ.
V – Competent organs (federal, state and municipal) will, through their respective police forces, abide by the provisions established by this Resolution on the emission, or banning of the emission, of noises produced by any environment or of any kind, while taking into consideration the location, hours and the nature of the noise emitting activities, aimed at harmonizing the exercise of activities with the preservation of public health and peace.
VI – The measurements should, for all purposes of this Resolution, follow the specifications set by NBR 10151 – Assessment of Noise in Inhabited Areas aimed at community wellbeing, by the Brazilian Technical Standards Association (ABNT).
VII – All regulatory standards related to sound pollution issued after the present date must be harmonized with the contents of this Resolution.
VIII – This Resolution shall enter into effect on the date of its publication.

JOSÉ CARLOS CARVALHO – Acting Executive Secretary

This text does not substitute the text published in the Official Gazette on April 2, 1990