Accelerating Maritime Decarbonization in Brazilian Ports

Brazil is taking significant steps towards maritime decarbonization through a new Technical Cooperation Agreement (ACT) signed between the National Agency for Waterway Transportation (Antaq) and the German organization GIZ. This partnership, part of the H2Uppp project, focuses on developing green hydrogen technologies and zero-carbon fuels, aligning with the government’s priority to expand infrastructure sustainably.

Objectives of the Agreement

The main goals of this collaboration include:

  1. Zero-Carbon Fuel Readiness: Preparing Brazilian ports to receive and handle vessels powered by zero-carbon fuels like green hydrogen.
  2. Renewable Energy Integration: Using and exporting green hydrogen, and enhancing infrastructure to support renewable energy.
  3. Emissions Reduction: Assessing and improving measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from port operations.

Project Components

The project is structured around three key areas:

  • International Experience Review: Analyzing global studies and technical documents on energy transition and maritime decarbonization.
  • Decarbonization Diagnosis: Gathering current data on decarbonization efforts and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Case Studies and Field Research: Conducting structured interviews and field studies to develop practical maritime decarbonization strategies.

Government Commitment

Otto Burlier, Director of Port Management and Modernization at the Ministry of Ports and Airports (MPor), emphasized the significance of this initiative, highlighting the government’s commitment to making Brazil a leader in energy transition. This project supports broader environmental goals and enhances the competitiveness of Brazil’s logistics sector.

H2Uppp Program

The H2Uppp program is designed to facilitate the implementation of green hydrogen applications through public-private partnerships. It aims to transfer knowledge, promote business events, analyze sector demands, and provide financial support for innovative projects in transportation.


The partnership between Antaq and GIZ represents a crucial step towards decarbonization in Brazil’s port sector. By focusing on green hydrogen and renewable energy integration, Brazil is poised to become a global leader in sustainable maritime operations, setting an example for other nations in the energy transition.