Industrial Decarbonization Hub Investing up to R$ 35 Million in Energy Transition Projects in Brazil

Brazil is taking a significant step towards industrial decarbonization with the launch of the Industrial Decarbonization Hub. This initiative, led by the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (MDIC) in partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), aims to mobilize international investments to foster the energy transition of Brazilian industry. The first public call for pilot projects was announced on July 22, 2024.

Investment and Focus Areas

Approved pilot projects will receive investments ranging from £1 million (approximately R$ 7 million) to £5 million (approximately R$ 35 million). These investments will be allocated based on the needs and maturity stages of the projects.

The focus areas include:

  • Industrial decarbonization
  • Critical minerals
  • Clean hydrogen
  • Smart energy (digitalization)

Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Program

The funds will be distributed through UNIDO’s Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Program, supported by the British government. This program aims to facilitate the development of strategic and pioneering projects aligned with Brazil’s National Industrial Development Strategy (ENDI). The “New Industry Brazil” initiative is a crucial part of this strategy, promoting the green economy and bioindustry.

Eligibility Criteria and Application Process

Projects interested in receiving funding must be scalable not only within Brazil but also in other developing countries. Applications are open until 11:00 AM (Brasília time) on August 19, 2024. Candidates should visit the UNIDO Procurement Portal and enter event number 7000007043 to review the eligibility criteria and application process. For additional inquiries, UNIDO’s procurement team can be contacted via email at [email protected].

Program Significance

“The Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Program is another significant initiative by the Industrial Decarbonization Hub and UNIDO to enable the development of strategic and pioneering projects to boost Brazil’s green economy. It aligns with the National Industrial Development Strategy (ENDI) for the implementation of New Industry Brazil,” stated Rodrigo Rollemberg, Secretary of Green Economy, Decarbonization, and Bioindustry at MDIC.

This initiative represents an important milestone for Brazil, demonstrating the country’s commitment to sustainability and industrial innovation. The partnership with UNIDO and the British government brings not only financial resources but also international expertise, crucial for the success of these projects.

Industrial Decarbonization Hub

The Industrial Decarbonization Hub is a vital platform for the energy transformation of the Brazilian industrial sector. With significant investments and a focus on clean and sustainable technologies, Brazil is poised to lead the transition to a green economy. International collaboration and an integrated national strategy are essential to achieving decarbonization and sustainable economic growth.