The Green Seal Program in Brazil

Brazil has embarked on a transformative journey towards sustainability with the introduction of the Green Seal Program. This program establishes a national strategy to certify and standardize products and services that meet stringent environmental and social criteria.

Objectives and Implementation

The Green Seal Program, coordinated by the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services (MDIC), aims to:

  • Improve the quality of Brazilian products and services.
  • Increase sustainability across production chains.
  • Foster innovation and promote a circular economy.
  • Strengthen Brazil’s position in international markets through the export of certified sustainable goods.

The program is voluntary, allowing producers to obtain certification for products that adhere to the criteria established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). This certification serves as a mark of environmental and social responsibility, signaling to consumers that the products they purchase have a lower environmental impact.

Key Features of the Green Seal Program

Certification Process

The certification process under the Green Seal Program involves a comprehensive evaluation of the product or service’s lifecycle. This includes assessing raw material sourcing, production methods, energy consumption, waste management, and social impacts. Products that meet these rigorous standards are awarded the Green Seal, making them easily identifiable to consumers seeking sustainable options.

Market Impact

By promoting the Green Seal, the Brazilian government aims to stimulate the growth of the green economy. This initiative is expected to encourage domestic companies to adopt sustainable practices, thus driving neo-industrialization. Additionally, it helps Brazilian products gain a competitive edge in international markets where consumers and regulatory bodies increasingly demand sustainability.

Supporting Regulations

The program is backed by Decree 12.063, which outlines the regulatory framework for the Green Seal. This decree ensures that the certification process is transparent, standardized, and aligned with international best practices. The regulatory support also provides a robust foundation for the enforcement and recognition of the Green Seal, both domestically and abroad.

Benefits of the Green Seal Program

Environmental Protection

By encouraging sustainable practices, the Green Seal Program plays a crucial role in reducing the environmental footprint of production processes. This contributes to the preservation of natural resources, reduction of pollution, and mitigation of climate change impacts.

Economic Growth

The program promotes economic growth by opening new markets for certified products. It also stimulates job creation in the green economy sector, fostering innovation and enhancing Brazil’s industrial capabilities.

Consumer Trust

With the Green Seal, consumers can make informed choices, knowing that the products they buy adhere to high sustainability standards. This builds consumer trust and loyalty, further driving the demand for sustainable products.


The Green Seal Program is a visionary initiative that positions Brazil as a leader in sustainable development. By setting high standards for environmental and social responsibility, the program not only protects the planet but also enhances the competitiveness and appeal of Brazilian products in global markets.