Regulated Solvent Market in Brazil

The solvent market in Brazil, particularly the regulation and control of solvents like methanol, is undergoing significant transformations. The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) is leading the charge, promoting transparency, compliance, and collaboration among stakeholders. This effort was prominently showcased at the first Solvent Forum of 2024, an event designed to foster dialogue and improve market practices.

A Commitment to Transparency

The ANP’s dedication to transparency was a central theme of the forum. Diogo Valério, the superintendent of distribution and logistics, opened the event by emphasizing the importance of regular contact with market agents. He highlighted the agency’s goal to not only present their actions but also to listen and engage in meaningful discussions with stakeholders.

The forum underscored a key initiative: the publication of Business Intelligence (BI) reports on methanol. These reports aim to provide detailed insights into the importation, distribution, and use of methanol in Brazil. By making this data publicly available, the ANP hopes to empower market participants, including the public prosecutor’s office and law enforcement, to independently verify and act on compliance issues. This move is expected to significantly enhance the robustness of market practices and improve the overall quality of data available to the agency and stakeholders alike.

Collaborative Efforts and Market Oversight

The ANP’s approach to regulating the solvent market is characterized by collaboration and integration. The forum featured presentations from key industry players like Quantic, highlighting their stringent compliance processes. Quantic’s representative, Leandro, detailed the company’s multi-step evaluation process for new clients, including background checks, physical inspections, and periodic requalifications. This thorough vetting process ensures that only compliant and capable clients can purchase methanol, thus minimizing the risk of product misuse.

Furthermore, Quantic emphasized the importance of using certified transporters with tracking systems and maintaining comprehensive records of methanol transactions. These practices align with ANP’s goals of transparency and accountability, showcasing how industry players can contribute to a more regulated and secure market environment.

Addressing Challenges and Enhancing Compliance

One of the forum’s significant discussions centered around the challenges posed by non-compliant entities attempting to enter the market. Leandro from Quantic mentioned that in 2023 alone, half of the new client applications were rejected due to non-compliance with regulatory requirements. This statistic underscores the need for rigorous checks and continuous monitoring to uphold market integrity.

The ANP’s efforts are further supported by inter-agency cooperation. Glauber, from the Núcleo Regional de Fiscalização in Brasília, highlighted successful collaborations with the Federal Highway Police, the National Land Transport Agency, and state finance secretariats. These partnerships have been instrumental in identifying and addressing illicit activities, ensuring that solvents like methanol are not diverted for illegal purposes.

Future Steps and Industry Recommendations

Looking ahead, the ANP plans to enhance the transparency and oversight of the solvent market by launching new BI reports and continuing its open dialogue with industry stakeholders. The agency’s commitment to transparency was lauded by Daniel Braga from the ICL, who emphasized the importance of accessible and dynamic data for all market participants. These initiatives are expected to foster a more informed and compliant market environment.

The forum also saw recommendations for further regulatory improvements. One suggestion was to have methanol controlled by the Federal Police at the national level, ensuring uniform oversight across Brazil. Another proposal was to adopt a registration system for industrial consumers of methanol, enabling better tracking and control of solvent usage.


The first Solvent Forum of 2024 highlighted the Brazilian solvent market’s strides towards enhanced regulation and transparency. Through collaborative efforts, stringent compliance processes, and the proactive publication of data, the ANP is setting a new standard for market oversight. These initiatives not only protect public health and safety but also ensure a level playing field for all market participants. As Brazil continues to refine its regulatory framework, the solvent market stands as a testament to the power of transparency and collaboration in fostering a compliant and secure industry.