The third workshop organized by the National Council of Water Resources (CNRH) is aimed at water reuse in domestic environment.

Rachel Bardawil/MMA
The Secretary of Water Resources and Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Environment (MMA), Jair Tannus Júnior, highlighted the need to foster the development of regulations that “are consistent with the real needs of the country, in the sense of promoting the rational use and reuse of water, safeguarding public health and protecting the environment.”
Tannus spoke at the opening of the Workshop on Rational Use and Domestic Reuse of Water, on Wednesday (25/10), in Brasilia. This is the 3rd Workshop of the Technical Chamber of Science and Technology (CTCT) of the National Council of Water Resources (CNRH). The two previous workshops addressed the rational use and reuse in the industrial sectors in 2014 and agriculture in 2015. The discussion of the 3rd Workshop focuses on the urban environment with a focus on domestic reuse of water, and is supported by the MMA, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and the World Bank.
The initiative meets the 15th priority of the National Water Resources Plan for 2016-2020: to develop actions to promote the sustainable use and reuse of water. “One of its goals is to set guidelines and criteria for the sustainable use and reuse of water,” said the president of the Technical Chamber, Lineu Neiva Rodrigues, of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation.
According to the organizers of the 3rd Workshop, the program includes two panels seeking to bring together the various national experiences related to the development of technical standards and ongoing projects in the lines of rational use and reuse of water. Among them, the works of ABNT, PROSAB, universities, Bank of Brazil and the Ministry of Cities stand out. “The workshop is an opportunity to aggregate information from all these initiatives so that the Technical Chamber can work on the issue and provides consistent technical support to the CNRH,” said one of the coordinators.
The President of IICA, Hernán Chiriboga, pointed out that the Institute has been working hard on water issues, supporting various water reuse initiatives. “It is very important that the issue is discussed in Brazil to facilitate the proposal of alternatives for public policies, and the IICA has been acting as a facilitator in this cooperation,” he said.
The workshop is promoted by the Technical Chamber, with the support of the Ministry of Environment, through the Secretariat of Water Resources and Environmental Quality, the IICA and the World Bank. The realization takes place in the context of the Program for Development of the Water Sector (INTERÁGUAS), which aims to promote better articulation and coordination of initiatives in the water sector in Brazil.