Occupational Health Reference Center (CEREST) registered 15 cases of serious accidents in Santarém, west of Pará, and 19 other municipalities in the first half of 2017.

Photo: Press Release / Sinduscon
Construction accidents due to sharp instruments is at the top of the list. Accidents involved motorcycle delivery drivers are at the second place, with falls and collisions. In third place, accidents involving farmers with attacks of venomous animals.
The coordinator of the Cerest, Nilton Santos, explains that the mission of the agency is not only to direct and mediate the relationship between accident and company, but also to carry out preventive actions through lectures, training and technical visits.
The center is intended for the welfare of workers, whether urban or rural, individual or collective, formal or informal, active or inactive, with or without employment. It is also an articulator and organizer of intersectoral actions, with monitoring experience in occupational health.
Source: G1