NR2 – Prior Inspection

(Revoked by Ordinance 915/2019)

2.1 All new establishments, before commencing their activities, shall seek approval for their facilities from the regional body of the Ministry of Work.

2.2 The regional body of Ministry of Labor, after performing the prior inspection, shall issue the Certificate of Approval for Facilities – CAI, accordance with the template in annex.

2.3 The company may deliver a declaration for the facilities of new establishment, in accordance with the template in annex, which could be accepted by that regional body, for the purposes of inspection, when it is not possible to perform the prior inspection before the establishment commence its activities.

2.4 The company shall inform and seek approval from the regional body of the Ministry of Labor, when substantial changes occur in the facilities and/or equipments of its establishment(s).

2.5 The companies are granted to submit the construction projects and their facilities to the prior appraisal of the regional body of the Ministry of Labor.

2.6 The prior inspection and the declaration of facilities, referred in the item 2.1 and 2.4, constitutes the elements capable of ensuring that the new establishments start their activities free of occupational accident and/or illness risks, which is why the establishment that doesn’t meet the provisions of those items is subject to obstruction of its functioning, as established in article 160 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), until it meets the requirements in this article.

DELEGATION _____________________________

CAI no________________

THE REGIONAL LABOR DELEGATE OR MARITIME LABOR DELEGATE, according to the record in the process of DRT ____________ in which the company __________________________________ is interested to resolve the issuance of this Certificate of Approval for Facilities (CAI) for the workplace, located in the _____________________________________ No __________, in ______________________________ city in this State. The activities of __________________________________________ will be carried out in that location by maximum _____________________ employees. This Certificate is issued in compliance with the article 160 of CLT as amended by Law no 6.514 on 12.22.77, properly regulated by NR 02 of Ordinance no 35 of 28 and does not relieve the company from subsequent inspections in order to observe the maintenance of occupational health and safety conditions provided in the NR.

New inspections will be required when substantial changes occur in your facilities and/or equipments of its establishment(s) in terms of the aforementioned article 160 of the CLT.

Director of the Division or Head of Section
of Occupational Health and Safety

Regional Labor Delegate
or Regional Maritime Delegate

(NR 2)

1. Company name:
Main activity:
Number of employees (expected):
Male:      Maximum:      Minimum:
Female:      Maximum:      Minimum:

2. Description of the Facilities and Equipments (They must be in compliance with the provisions of NR 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (annexes), 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25 and 26) (Use back of the document and attach more sheets if necessary)

3. Date: ___ / ___ / 19 __

(Legible name and signature of the employer or representative)

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